合作伙伴 -- VMware | 威睿


VMware | 威睿

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App Modernization | Cloud | Networking | Security | Anywhere Workspace | Telco Cloud



VMware is a leading provider of multi-cloud services for all apps, enabling digital innovation with enterprise control.

At the heart of everything we do lies the responsibility and the opportunity to build a sustainable, equitable and more secure future for all.​

As the trusted foundation to accelerate innovation, VMware meets customers where they are. Instead of tradeoffs and compromise, our software offers businesses the flexibility and choice they need to build the future.

VMware is committed to advancing Sustainability, Equity and Trust by embedding Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) into everything we do–throughout our technology strategy, business model and culture.



Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU) and VMware have jointly initiated a faculty development program aimed at enhancing teaching and research capabilities. This collaborative project aims to empower faculty members with advanced technological skills and expertise, enabling them to stay at the forefront of cutting-edge knowledge and pedagogy. By leveraging VMware's industry-leading virtualization and cloud computing solutions, faculty members at XJTLU can gain hands-on experience in utilizing these technologies for innovative teaching and research activities. Through this program, XJTLU and VMware are fostering a culture of continuous learning and professional growth among faculty members, ultimately benefiting the entire academic community and preparing students for the rapidly evolving digital landscape.