打破边界: 探索数字领域的包容性设计
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该课程属于 2024年度“在西浦听讲座”系列 请加入后再学习

Breaking Boundaries: Exploring Inclusive Designs in the Digital Realm 


In this presentation, Professor Marc Aurel Schnabel shares unique insights on how digital design and virtual reality can transform spaces into welcoming and creative environments for everyone. Drawing from his extensive experience in architecture, digital design, and teaching worldwide, he presents a compelling vision for leveraging digital tools in space design. 

His vision integrates concepts from virtual reality, digital heritage, smart cities, and cutting-edge technologies like AI and blockchain in creative fields. His talk is designed to inspire innovative thinking about designing our world and explore how digital design can enhance spaces for everyone, considering factors like user experience, accessibility, and sustainability. 

The presentation outlines a practical approach to embracing digital tools as vital partners in creating inclusive physical and virtual environments. He demonstrates this through exhibitions, intriguing case studies, and collaborative projects, showing how the fusion of virtual reality and creativity can generate exciting new experiences for everyone. 


Professor Marc Aurel Schnabel, a pioneer in digital design and virtual reality environments, has been shaping the future of design in higher education for over 25 years, with his work spanning Germany, China, Australia, New Zealand, and Japan. 

He is now the Dean of the Design School at Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, coming from Japan, where he was the founding director of the "FORUM8 Research Lab" to develop solutions for virtual buildings and cities. He's been honoured as a CAADRIA Fellow and sits on many international government funding boards. 

Throughout his career, he's written many influential papers about digital architecture and put together digital architecture exhibitions. He also started the ‘Digital Architecture Research Alliance’ (DARA) and the online group 'Urban Digitalics' to connect professionals and researchers in novel digital design.Page Break 


打破边界: 探索数字领域的包容性设计 


如何运用数字设计和虚拟现实技术,将空间转变为人们喜欢的温馨而富有创造力的环境?针对这个话题,Marc Aurel Schnabel教授将在讲座中与您分享他的独特见解。Schnabel教授运用自己在建筑、数字设计和全球教学方面的丰富经验,提出了将数字工具运用于空间设计的美好愿景。 




Marc Aurel Schnabel教授是数字设计和虚拟现实环境领域的知名专家,在德国、中国、澳大利亚、新西兰和日本从事建筑和设计高等教育工作超过 25 年。 

他曾在日本担任 "FORUM8 研究室 "的创始主任,为虚拟建筑和城市开发解决方案,现任西交利物浦大学设计学院院长。他曾被授予 "CAADRIA 研究员 "称号,并担任多个国际政府基金委员会成员。 

在职业生涯中,他发表了大量关于数字建筑的有影响力的文章,并举办了数字建筑展览。他还创立了 "数字建筑研究联盟"(DARA)和在线网络 "城市数字",将创新数字设计领域的专业人士和研究人员联系在一起。 


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