我们时代的和平: 教育如何帮助我们反对战争?
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该课程属于 2024年度“在西浦听讲座”系列 请加入后再学习

Peace in our time: How can education support the efforts against war? 


While we currently see the devastating effects of war, in Europe and the Near East, we are faced with the question: can education play a role in preventing this? The explicit idea of Education for Peace, or Peace Education, has existed for at least around a 100 years now, i.e. since Maria Montessori gave her seminal lectures on this topic in the inter-bellum period, mainly in Copenhagen and Geneva at the International Bureau of Education (IBE), which has been incorporated into UNESCO since 1969. In her view, education must build lasting peace, while all politics can do is keep us out of war. Since then, the field has been further developed and several Peace Education initiatives have been implemented worldwide, including in (post-) conflict areas. In this lecture, I will provide an overview of this field and argue that one branch of Peace Education, i.e. Education for Global Citizenship / Global Citizenship Education (GCED) represents its essence. Finally, I will present data of an empirical study on what global citizenship means to students at XJTLU and discuss the implications of the findings for the field. 


Moritz Bilagher is honoured to be a member of the Academy of Future Education and, in particular, the Learning Institute for Future Excellence (LIFE) as a Professor of Practice in Global Citizenship Education (GCED). He holds a Doctorate in Education from King’s College London, a Master of Science degree in Educational Research Methodology from the University of Oxford and a Master of Science degree in Science Dynamics from the University of Amsterdam. In addition, he holds a Bachelor’s degree in Civic Education and a teaching license from Hogeschool Holland.  

As Professor of Practice, Moritz Bilagher obtained the majority of his work experience outside academia, mainly in international cooperation and development in education, with UNESCO (Nairobi, Santiago, Bangkok and Paris), UNRWA (Amman and Beirut), the World Bank-based Global Partnership of Education (Washington, DC) and the British government Agency for ICT in Education Becta (Coventry) in education management, research and evaluation. 

In his most recent assignment for UNESCO, Prof. Bilagher was Deputy Director and Acting Director of the UNESCO-UNWRA Department of Education, where he (co-) led the UNRWA education programme with around 22,000 education staff including approximately 18,000 teachers and over 500,000 students at the primary, secondary and tertiary levels.  

He hopes to bring his experience in the field to the university context, to the benefit of students and colleagues and his research interests include international education, Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4, global citizenship education (GCED), peace education, educational assessment (psychometrics) and socio-emotional learning (SEL).  


我们时代的和平: 教育如何帮助我们反对战争? 





作为实践教授,莫里茨·比拉格的大部分工作经验都是在学术界之外获得的,主要是在教育的国际合作与发展方面,任职于内罗毕、圣地亚哥、曼谷和巴黎的联合国教科文组织(UNESCO)、安曼和贝鲁特的联合国难民署(UNRWA)、华盛顿特区的全球教育合作组织(Global Partnership of Education)、英国政府信息和通信技术教育机构Becta(考文垂)。他在教育管理、研究和评估方面有丰富的工作经验。 




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