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该课程属于 2024年度“在西浦听讲座”系列 请加入后再学习

How to use fundamental science research to lunch a venture company 


The ultimate goals of fundamental scientific research activity are to discover the laws of nature, and to make the world a better place. Academic job devoted to fundamental scientific research is one of the most pleasant occupations because it is mostly initiated by intellectual curiosities of individuals. When scientists reach mature levels of scientific knowledge and academic activities, some of them start to have desires to test the values of their knowledge and technology in the real market for various reasons, such as better recognitions, research funding acquisitions, extra incomes. Establishing a new business utilizing professional scientific knowledge and technology can be an efficient way to experience the real world and to evaluate the market value of his/her scientific knowledge. However, it is very challenging to launch a new business especially for scientist who has no experiences of running a business before. In this XJTLU Public Lecture, I will share my personal experiences of doing small business in my age of 18 and, also about the experience of launching venture companies with my fundamental scientific research after I received doctoral degree. I believe that this talk will give some ideas and courage to students and scientists who are considering to start their own business. 


Prof. Heechae Choi joined the Chemistry Department of XJTLU as a professor in January 2023 after spending years at University of Cologne, Germany, where he started his independent academic career with a prestigious fellowship, MOPGA-GRI (Sep.2018 - Dec.2022). 

Before his first independent research launched in Germany, he founded two venture companies, Virtual Lab Inc. and Materials Lab (Mar.2016, Aug.2018), which provide materials simulation platform and consulting services to big manufacturing companies including Samsung Electronics, 3M, SK, MiCo. 

He has developed several theory models for quality controls of mass produced functional materials running his technology-based business and doing academic work in parallel. 

The projects that he conducted as the PI are mostly about the theory-based materials processing condition predictions for high-technology business such as 

- Apple's iPhone antenna materials 

- Samsung Electronics's capacitor lifetime 

- Reliance-Samsung network device 

- SK Hynix electrostatic chuck 

Heechae's current main research interests are in fundamental approaches to energy conversion materials and semiconductor processing. 






Heechae Choi教授2023年1月加入西交利物浦大学理学院化学系。在此之前,他曾在德国科隆大学(University of Cologne)任职,2018年Heechae Choi 教授被法德研究计划评为MOPGA-GRI第13位研究员,也自此开启了他的独立研究生涯。 

在德国进行首次独立研究之前,他创办了两家公司VirtualLab Inc和Materials Lab (分别于2016年3月和2018年8月成立),为三星电子、3M、SK、MiCo等大型制造公司提供材料模拟平台和咨询服务。 


他作为 项目负责人开展的项目主要是为高科技企业进行基于理论的材料加工条件预测,例如 

- 苹果 iPhone 天线材料 

- 三星电子电容器寿命 

- 信实-三星网络设备 

- SK海力士静电吸盘 

Heechae Choi教授目前的主要研究兴趣是能源转换材料和半导体加工的基础方法。 


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